Jun 20, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Wow, what a fun-packed few weeks we have had.
Thank you to those who were able to watch our fantastic Music Festival. The class had a wonderful time, and did incredibly well indeed.
This week we have been looking at road maps. We have been estimating and measuring length, using metre sticks and rulers. We have also been converting measurements. The class have really enjoyed working in pairs to complete their tasks.
Our Science topic is Evaporation and Condensation. The children have been investigating this, using ice and warm water. They made careful observations in their investigations.
Vector Visit
This week, we enjoyed learning all about how to stay safe around electricity.
Watt (the friendly robot on the screen below) demonstrated what not to do, and we discussed how we can stay safe. The children asked some interesting questions, and listened very carefully to important information regarding electricity. Each child was given a stay safe booklet, which includes a home safety inspection. Our visitor from vector was impressed with our fabulous knowledge and interest.
Jun 19, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
To start our Science Week off with a bang (not literally, of course!), Watt the Robot paid Parera Class a visit to teach us how to stay safe around electricity.
We learned that our bodies are conductors because our bodies are 70% water.
So, playing near electricity can be dangerous as it can arc and jump through our bodies to try to reach the ground.
Vector employees wear special safety clothing to protect them.
Jun 19, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
Roll over, Beethoven ‘cos the boys (and girls) are back in town!
What a wonderful, talented group we have in our class! From presenters to singers; from musicians to dancers – the talent on display at our annual Primary Festival was incredible. Not even the exploding sound mixer could dampen the atmosphere or prevent the show from going on.
Congratulations, everyone, on such a toe-tapping, foot-stomping, hand-clapping success!
Jun 19, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
We had to understand teamwork and sustainability to find the treasure in the recent Treasure Hunt show, where inhabitants of Seeland and Treeview had to work together to venture into the Beyond and find the missing songs of the Trees and Seas.
Jun 17, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
The Year 6 class had an incredibly busy schedule for their Wellington trip last week. It was an early start for the airport and, once we had checked in to our hotel, we headed to the iconic Wellington cable cars for a quick ride and to admire the views of the city.
Jun 16, 2019 | 2021 Primary Classroom Blogs, Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
We often tell our students that books are ‘treasures’ and this message was reinforced in the recent performance of Treasure Hunt.
The Hihi class were taken on an adventure, told through the tales found in stories written by New Zealand authors.
The actors drew our children into a world where success was found by understanding that we are all different, showing kindness and empathy towards things we do not understand, and most of all having CONFIDENCE in ourselves!
Jun 13, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Treasure Hunt
On Monday 10th June, the primary school enjoyed going to visit the ‘Treasure Hunt’ production at the college.
Music Festival
The class have been rehearsing their items for the upcoming music festival, and are excited to perform to you all soon. We look forward to seeing you there.
In Science, the children have been learning about light and dark and how our eyes work. We had a lot of fun looking at some optical illusions. We found this image particularly tricky. Can you see a young or old lady?
In English, we have been looking at and reading lots of different types of poems. The class then wrote their own poems, using a particular poem or poet as inspiration. They have produced some wonderful poems, which are currently on display in the classroom.
The term is passing us by quickly, but we still have some wonderful events to be involved in. Next week we look forward to performing in the music festival, and the Avengers themed school disco. Hope to see you there.
Jun 4, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Hello Tuatara class,
Just a little update as to some of the things we have been learning about over the past few weeks.
We had a fantastic time with year 3 and 4 when we went to Tiritiri Matangi. The weather was perfect! The class really enjoyed finding out lots of interesting facts about the wildlife on Tiritiri Matangi, and were able to spot and identify many birds on the island. Below are just a few snaps from the day:
In the classroom we have been learning how to be good storytellers. we have been using our expressive voices, eye contact and hand gestures to keep our listeners engaged and entertained.
We have also been designing our own cars, using purple mash. These fabulous designs can be seen in 3D and as a net too. The children really enjoyed creating these!
Jun 2, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
Our Parera Class have been lucky enough to acquire a box of WW1 artefacts – each with its own story attached. We have discovered the real young Kiwi men who served in WW1 and learned a little about their experiences before, during and after the war.
Official Records
An Epaulette
Old school and family photographs
Souvenirs from Egypt
Old photographs from the trenches
Badges and other memorabilia
Documents and maps
A violin string – returned with other personal effects
May 28, 2019 | Katipo - Year 3 blog
This term we have been learning about plants. We have planted a school garden as part of our learning, some the seedlings we raised and some we brought. Year three investigated how bulbs grow and we have planted them in the garden also. Please come and look at our garden. When it does start to produce fruit and vegetables it will be for the community to enjoy and hopefully we can use some of it to do some cooking. Year three have been taking great care of it by weeding, watering and taking out dead leaves.
May 24, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Our two week swimming programme has come to an end and our Hihi class are confident and competent swimmers.
The progress made over these 8 sessions has been significant.
May 18, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
The Hihi Class have been thoroughly enjoying dipping their wings into the pool at the Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre.